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Asian American Pacific Islander Alumni Network

Stay connected

The Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Alumni Network, led by local alumni volunteers, was formed to develop a community of NC State AAPI alumni who support each other, current students and their alma mater through engagement and fundraising. The network is dedicated to supporting our goal of creating impactful experiences that strengthen the relationship between the NC State community and the university.

Our Goals:

  • Promote the growth, progress and welfare of alumni and students of AAPI descent at NC State
  • Connect AAPI alumni to one another and their alma mater
  • Provide outreach, information and services to alumni, students, faculty and staff
  • Develop AAPI Alumni Network engagement in other locations across the country

Interested in receiving email updates about our network or getting involved?
Update your information | Join our LinkedIn group | Become a Volunteer

Network Leaders:
President | Haihui Huang
Vice President | Erkang Zheng
Secretary | Nan Jiang
Alumni Mentor Program Chair | Huan Xie