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Oct 31, 2022

NC State Announces Wolfpack Red and White Wines

Two new NC State wines officially join the university’s licensed wine collection as part of an ongoing partnership with North Carolina wineries. 

fireworks around the Memorial Belltower

Jan 18, 2022

NC State Fundraising Campaign Comes to an Extraordinary End

After five incredible years, NC State’s Think and Do the Extraordinary Campaign has come to a close. 

Anna Owens

Dec 8, 2020

A Brave Young Coder in a Brave New World

Park Scholar Anna Owens discovered her passion for cybersecurity while studying at NC State. Now, she'll apply her skills at one of the world’s biggest tech companies. 

Andy Walsh giving a speech at a podium

Dec 7, 2020

Former Student Body President Establishes Scholarship for Student Leaders

Andy Walsh ’13 has pledged $10,000 to establish the Robert A. Walsh Student Leadership Fund, which will benefit undergraduate students serving in leadership roles for campus organizations. 

Prashant Prabhu

Dec 1, 2020

Prashant Prabhu Receives Distinguished Alumni Award

Prashant Prabhu’s decision to move to the United States from India for his graduate education culminated in two degrees from the Wilson College of Textiles and a 35-year career with the Michelin Group. 

close up of the metal beams holding the bells together

Nov 17, 2020

Timeless, with a Modern Touch

About 15 months ago, a construction fence went up around NC State’s Memorial Belltower. Now, the restoration and completion of this Hallowed Place is almost finished. 

From Left, Tom Miralia and Edward Weisiger, Jr.

Nov 11, 2020

Fitts-Woolard Hall effort is powered by alumni giving

Meet two engineering alumni who have made support of the Fitts-Woolard Hall project a priority and learn why they decided to give. 

Mu Omicron alumnae posing for a picture at homecoming in 2015

Oct 27, 2020

Lighting the Torch for Future Students

Five NC State alumnae have created a scholarship in honor of the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Mu Omicron chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. 

Oct 27, 2020

Latinx Alumni Network Gains Traction at NC State

The NC State Latinx Alumni Network connects Latinx alumni in an effort to help increase recruitment, retention and engagement of future students — all while raising funds for a new scholarship. 


Sep 15, 2020

The Black Alumni Society’s Clark-Witherspoon Scholarships Help Two Legacies Endure

The Black Alumni Society';s Clark-Witherspoon Scholarships have helped their pioneering influence — and their combined legacy — endure at the university for more than 30 years.